2019 AAAAI Virtual Annual Meeting
The AAAAI offers more than 300 educational sessions at the Annual Meeting each year. It's impossible to attend every session, and because many people are unable to attend, each year we offer select recordings from the live meeting in our Virtual Annual Meeting. Recordings can be viewed online streaming.
The 2019 Virtual Annual Meeting includes plenaries, the keynote, and various sessions including workshops, symposia and pro/con debates. These recordings can serve as a resource for training students, residents, fellows, and office staff, and can be used to satisfy some MOC requirements.
Recordings are now available at a lower cost! Order your 2019 Virtual Annual Meeting today!
Member price: $117.50
Members from Developing Countries please contact the AAAAI education team for a discount code.
Non-member rate: $150
To order order, click the 'Register' tab, select the check box to the right of the title, '2019 Virtual Annual Meeting', click 'Enroll,' and follow the instructions to complete registration and submit payment. If paying by check, enrollment is not considered complete until the AAAAI receives and clears your check.