1 Start 2 Complete Based on knowledge and skills you gained by reading "Difficult Cases: An Adolescent with Respiratory Distress" do you plan to make changes to your practice? * Yes No If yes, describe the changes you plan to make: Based on knowledge and skills you gained in completing by reading "A Difficult Case of Mastocytic Colitis with Elevated Tryptase" have you already made changes to your practice? * Yes No If yes, describe the changes you have made: If you have not made or do not plan to make changes to your practice based on what you learned by completing this activity, please indicate why. Select all that apply: * Need to learn more before I feel comfortable changing my practice Knowledge and skills I gained did not have an immediate application Knowledge and skills I gained reinforced my current practice behaviors Financial limitations After reading ""A Difficult Case of Mastocytic Colitis with Elevated Tryptase" what do you need to learn more about to improve your practice? Please provide any additional comments you would like to share with AAAAI: Leave this field blank