Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

The AAAAI Code of Ethics describes the circumstances in which members must provide disclosure of their financial and organizational relationships. One of these is for individuals involved in continuing education activities. The Standards for Integrity and Independence of Accredited Continuing Education, developed by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), further specify that all individuals who can control the content of a continuing education activity – both activity planners and faculty members – must provide disclosure information, and that the disclosure is reviewed and conflicts mitigated prior to the activity taking place.

PDF icon AAAAI Code of Ethics 11.10.2018.pdf

The AAAAI Disclosure Policy defines the types of relationships that are to be disclosed. For continuing education activities, disclosures are reviewed by the Continuing Medical Education/Maintenance of Certification Committee. If a conflict of interest is identified, the individual will be presented with the steps that must be taken to mitigate the conflict so it does not adversely affect the educational activity.

PDF icon Disclosure Policy (2024).pdf

AAAAI members are expected to update their disclosure records by April 30 of each calendar year, or when the details of their disclosure records change. Disclosure information can be submitted and edited in the AAAAI Online Disclosure System.