Now that you have completed this activity, please provide feedback regarding its quality and the impact it will have on your practice.


Learning Objectives
Learning Objective 1: Discuss a strategy for laboratory testing in patients with recurrent infection utilizing flow cytometry and functional immune testing to clarify the diagnosis and therapeutic options
Learning Objective 2: Discuss the principles of specific IgE testing and the utility of tryptase testing
Learning Objective 3: Identify the rationale and approach including HLA typing, donor selection and use of conditioning for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for patients with primary immune deficiencies and how these approaches differ for SCID, Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome and Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Learning Objective 4: Discuss the approaches and risks using exogenous gene therapy for patients with primary immune deficiencies including SCID, Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome and Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Learning Objective 5: Describe the biologics that may be useful in patients with atopic asthma
Learning Objective 6: Describe replacement immunoglobulin therapy in patients with antibody deficiency and identify the possible risk factors that may lead to adverse events of the therapy
Thomas A. Fleisher, MD FAAAAI
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Disclosed potential conflicts of interest before beginning the activity
Demonstrated appropriate expertise in the subject area
Demonstrated effective presentation skills that engaged the audience
Provided syllabus materials that enhanced learning from the presentation
Should be invited to present at future courses
Provided a presentation that prepared you for your upcoming certification/recertification
Morton Cowan, MD
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Disclosed potential conflicts of interest before beginning the activity
Demonstrated appropriate expertise in the subject area
Demonstrated effective presentation skills that engaged the audience
Provided syllabus materials that enhanced learning from the presentation
Should be invited to present at future courses
Provided a presentation that prepared you for your upcoming certification/recertification
Mark Ballow, MD FAAAAI
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Disclosed potential conflicts of interest before beginning the activity
Demonstrated appropriate expertise in the subject area
Demonstrated effective presentation skills that engaged the audience
Provided syllabus materials that enhanced learning from the presentation
Should be invited to present at future courses
Provided a presentation that prepared you for your upcoming certification/recertification
Commerical Bias
Change in Practice
Additional Comments