The Making IT Count course series is available to AAAAI members and non-members. If you have never claimed credit on our site, simply create a (free) account by clicking Log in in the top right corner of this page. If you need additional direction, visit our Help Center.
Review the latest evidence-based recommendations for safe and effective allergen immunotherapy by taking the courses linked below:
Virtual Patient: Adult Male with Reaction to Flying Hymenoptera Sting
Virtual Patient: Is Allergen Immunotherapy the Right Choice for Your Patient?
Virtual Patient: Needs Rapid IT Buildup
Virtual Patient: Rhinitis and Asthma in a Pregnant Patient
Virtual Patient: Prescribing and Adjusting Doses for Effective AIT Treatment
Virtual Patient: Providing Safe Immunotherapy Treatment
Virtual Patient: Soccer Coach Too Busy for Shots
Virtual Patient: Young Child with Allergy to Grass Pollen
Virtual Patient: Young Girl with Peanut Allergy
Making IT Count is funded through an educational grant from Merck & Co., Inc.