Thank you for participating in the 2022 AAAAI Annual Meeting!

Before you begin, please review the PDF icon AAAAI Faculty Reimbursement Guidelines to determine if you are eligible for honoraria and/or reimbursement and the PDF icon Reimbursement Requirements

At the bottom of the form, please upload the following items in pdf format :
  • All of your itemized receipts you are requesting reimbursement for (receipts are required for every expense)
  • If you are eligible to receive an honorarium, submit a completed PDF icon W-9 form  (or PDF icon W-8 form if you reside outside of the United States)
  • If you reside outside of the United States, please upload PDF icon wire transfer information

If you would like to donate your honoraria and/or reimbursement to the AAAAI Foundation, select "Yes" in the form below.

Please email [email protected] with any questions regarding reimbursements.