Select One:
This field is copied directly into the registration and credit claiming site. Please provide an engaging and grammatically correct paragraph as this will be the first thing potential registrants will see.
Please detail the registration fee breakdown for your activity (ex: Cost for: Member, Non Member, FIT, Allied Health, etc.)
Do you need to know of diet restrictions, guests, special event attendance, etc. Please provide a list of the questions to ask.
Mailing address and name of individual the collected registration fees (check) should be sent to.
Please limit to 6 or fewer people
Needs Assessment

Please share how your organization will determine the educational gaps/needs for your target audience and how those needs will be addressed by your activity.


Examples of Educational Needs
Knowledge:  understanding the various classes of antibiotics, the names within each drug class, and the organism for which a particular antibiotic is or isn’t effective
Competence:  demonstrating the ability to apply the knowledge of which antibiotic should be used on whom and when
Performance:  prescribing an antibiotic in accordance with practice guidelines.

The list below includes the Competencies of ACGME/ABMS, Institute of Medicine, and Interprofessional Education Collaborative, or you may enter other competencies recognized by your organization.
Educational grants from pharma or other product companies that are ineligible for hosting CME activities.
Template Forms
Upload the completed template here, the template can be found above (Joint Accreditation_Planning Committe_Faculty). Be sure to list all individuals involved in planning the activity/event.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf xls xlsx.
If your event is less than 120 days away - you are required to attach an agenda with your application
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx.
Upload the completed template here, the template can be found above ( Joint Accreditation_Planning Committe_Faculty). Be sure to list all individuals appearing on the activity/event agenda (speakers, moderators, abstract presenters, ect).
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf xls xlsx.
Upload additional documents that help support your application
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx.