
Please complete this form to initiate registration for multiple people from your practice. You will have to complete a separate online process for payment that will need to be initiated by AAAAI staff on receipt of this form.

Enter the first & last name of the person who will log into the AAAAI system and complete payment. They will be assigned a shopping cart with all the registrations costs

Attendee Information

Enter the names and email addresses of all attendees. If the person completing this form will be an attendee, their information must also be entered below.

Email addresses must be unique to allow us to communicate with each individual.

If attendees have an account with us (i.e., they have participated in a AAAAI-sponsored activity of any kind--either live or online), please enter their member number so a duplicate account is not created. If the individual has a member number but the number is unknown to the person completing the form, please enter "Unknown" in the member number field.


















Thank you for completing this form

Once the form has been received by AAAAI staff, the person listed as completing payment will receive an email with the link to complete the online payment.

Please note that until the payment has been received and processed attendees will not be registered. Once payment has been received, the individuals listed above will be registered for the event and sent a separate email with information regarding access.