Now that you have completed this activity, please provide feedback regarding its quality and the impact it will have on your practice. Please rate your ability to perform the following objectives upon completion of this activity, with 1 = Not confident and 5 = Able to demonstrate * 12345 Learning Objective 1: Learning Objective 1: - 1 Learning Objective 1: - 2 Learning Objective 1: - 3 Learning Objective 1: - 4 Learning Objective 1: - 5 Learning Objective 2: Learning Objective 2: - 1 Learning Objective 2: - 2 Learning Objective 2: - 3 Learning Objective 2: - 4 Learning Objective 2: - 5 Learning Objective 3: Learning Objective 3: - 1 Learning Objective 3: - 2 Learning Objective 3: - 3 Learning Objective 3: - 4 Learning Objective 3: - 5 Learning Objective 4: Learning Objective 4: - 1 Learning Objective 4: - 2 Learning Objective 4: - 3 Learning Objective 4: - 4 Learning Objective 4: - 5 Please rate the following: * PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellent Quality of the content Quality of the content - Poor Quality of the content - Fair Quality of the content - Good Quality of the content - Very Good Quality of the content - Excellent Quality of the format Quality of the format - Poor Quality of the format - Fair Quality of the format - Good Quality of the format - Very Good Quality of the format - Excellent Relevance to your practice (patient care, research, teaching) Relevance to your practice (patient care, research, teaching) - Poor Relevance to your practice (patient care, research, teaching) - Fair Relevance to your practice (patient care, research, teaching) - Good Relevance to your practice (patient care, research, teaching) - Very Good Relevance to your practice (patient care, research, teaching) - Excellent Did you detect any commercial bias in this activity? * Yes No No Answer If you detected bias, please describe the biased content: Based on knowledge and skills you gained in completing this activity, do you plan to make changes to your practice (patient care, research, or teaching)? * Yes No No Answer If you plan to change your practice based on what you have learned, please describe below: If you have not made or do not plan to make changes to your practice based on what you learned by completing this activity, please indicate why. Select all that apply: Need to learn more before I feel comfortable changing my practice Knowledge and skills I gained did not have an immediate application Knowledge and skills I gained reinforced my current practice behaviors Financial limitations Staffing limitations Other: If you have not made or do not plan to make changes to your practice based on what you learned by completing this activity, please indicate why. Select all that apply: Other: After attending this activity, what do you need to learn more about to improve your practice (patient care, research, or teaching)? Please provide any additional comments you would like to share: Leave this field blank