Click on the video(s) you'd like to watch. To ask questions or leave comments for the authors, please click HERE. Be sure to include the 3-digit number associated with the abstract so the authors can locate the comments pertinent to them.

256 - Vaccine against Peanut Allergy based on Engineered Virus-like Particles and Major Peanut Allergens


257 - Results of the REALISE (Real-life Use and Safety of EPIT) Study: a Multicenter Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating the Safety of Epicutaneous Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy in Peanut-allergic Children

258 - Long-Term Safety Behaviors and Receipt of Specialized Allergy Care Following Oral or Sublingual Immunotherapy


259 - Peanut oral immunotherapy induces gastrointestinal eosinophilia in a longitudinal randomized controlled trial


260 - Berberine-containing Natural Medicine Confers Sustained Peanut Tolerance Associated with Distinct Microbiota Signature
