Click on the video(s) you'd like to watch. To ask questions or leave comments for the authors, please click HERE. Be sure to include the 3-digit number associated with the abstract so the authors can locate the comments pertinent to them.

L1 - Exposure to acid suppressant medications during infancy and risk of recurrent wheeze by age 3 years among children with a history of severe bronchiolitis

L2 - Features and Predictors of Biphasic Anaphylasix: Data from the European Anaphylaxis Registry


L3 - The Efficacy and safety of Probiotic and Peanut Oral Immunotherapy for inducing Desensitization and Sustained Unresponsiveness: Results from a Phase 2b Multipcenter Randomized Trial (PPOIT-003)


L4 - Thunderstorm Asthma: In Search for Relationships With Airborne Pollen and Fungal Spores from 23 Sites in Bavaria, Germany: A Rare Incident or a Common Threat?


L5 - PIONEER: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 2 Study of Avapritinib in Patients with Indolent or Smoldering Systemic Mastocytosis (SM) with Symptoms Inadequately Controlled by Standard Therapy
