Click on the video(s) you'd like to watch. To ask questions or leave comments for the authors, please click HERE. Be sure to include the 3-digit number associated with the abstract so the authors can locate the comments pertinent to them.

231 - Lifetime Health Care Costs Associated with Systemic Corticosteroid Use in Adults with Persistent Asthma

232 - Epinephrine Auto-Injector Workshops Answer Allergy Questions for Early Childhood Professionals and Provide Hands-On Practice with Training Devices


233 - Health navigators are an effective strategy to bridge the gap for school-aged children at risk for asthma disparities


234 - Oral Immunotherapy for Food Allergy (OIT) Effectively Desensitizes Most Infants and Young Children


235 - Clinical Pathway to Increase Rates of Penicillin Allergy De-labeling
