What were the main lessons you learned about quality of life concerns for patients with atopic dermatitis * Based on these lessons, will you make any changes to your practice to better address quality of life concerns with your AD patients? * Yes No Describe the changes you plan to make to your practice. Please rate how confident you are in your ability to implement these changes, with 1= Not confident at all and 5 = Extremely confident Not confident at all Slightly confident Somewhat confident Quite confident Extremely confident Please indicate why you do not plan to make changes in your practice. Select all that apply. Need to learn more before I feel comfortable changing my practice Knowledge and skills I gained did not have an immediate application Knowledge and skills I gained reinforced my current practice behaviors Financial limitations Staffing limitations After completing this activity, what do you need to learn more about to improve your practice (patient care, research, or teaching)? * What additional resources related to care of patients with atopic dermatitis would help you to provide even better care in your practice? * Leave this field blank