Please review the AAAAI Teaching Slides Procedures for the Development and Use of Slide Sets before completing this application.

The AAAAI slide sets are developed by experts in the field of allergy to assist AAAAI members when presenting topics related to allergic and immunologic diseases to other healthcare providers outside of the specialty. As a benefit of membership, online access to download and use the slide sets for presentations is available only to members through the password protected section of the AAAAI website.

This individual should be a member of the committee, but directly involved in the creation of these teaching slides.
Needs Assessment

Once an audience has been targeted, the design committee must determine the needs of the audience. These needs are the reasoning behind the program and can be determined in a variety of ways.

Design Committee and Faculty
The activity design committee is the group of people who will develop the teaching slides.

All educational activities are expected to be free of bias. To ensure this, each member of the design committee is required to disclose any employment, financial interests, research interests, organizational interests, gifts, or other interests that may be judged by a majority of his/her peers to be more than casual and/or likely to impact his/her ability to exercise independent judgment in addressing the issue being discussed. The AAAAI Continuing Certification and Professional Education (CCPE) Committee will review these disclosures and determine if a conflict of interest exists and, if so, how that conflict should be resolved to allow continued participation in the planning of the activity.

Please have your committee members disclose online at For questions about the Online Disclosure System, contact the Education Coordinator at (414) 272-6071.

Applications will not be submitted to the CCPE Committee until all design members have updated their disclosures.

Content Outline