2013 In-Training Exam Online For Physicians

The AAAAI is pleased to offer the In-Training Exam online to AAAAI members, ACAAI members and non-members.

The exam will be available at authorized testing centers July 10-31, 2013.

The exam is a 200-question multiple choice examination offered in a Web-based format, which allows for the inclusion of full-color images, charts and tables, and ensures that exam participants receive rapid feedback. The intent of the exam is to identify weak points in the individual's base of knowledge.  The examination will have a 3-hour 15-minute time limit.  Due to the online format, the exam will only be offered during the dates of July 10-31, 2013 and will not be available otherwise.  No exceptions will be made.

5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ will be awarded upon completion of the exam and the submission of a learning plan based on the exam results. 

Participants must register with the AAAAI and complete the exam at an authorized testing centers in the U.S.

If you are a member of the ACAAI and not a member of AAAAI, you should contact the AAAAI Education Staff at cme@aaaai.org or (414) 272-6071 to receive a coupon code providing a discounted registration rate.

Credit must be claimed by June 30, 2014. Any credit request on or after July 1, 2014 will be subject to an administrative fee. 

System Requirements: Two most recent versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox

Target Audience


AAAAI physician members and non-members in the process of pursuing primary ABAI Certification; MOC for the ABAI re-certification; desiring to strengthen their understanding of the knowledge of the specialty.

Learning Objectives


Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Identify recognized and unrecognized gaps in an individual's knowledge of allergy and immunology and the care of individuals with allergic and immunologic diseases.
  • Develop an individualized plan to address weaknesses
  • Improve one's understanding of the essential medical knowledge in allergy/immunology in preparation for recertification

Additional Information

PDF icon 2013_in-training_exam_information.pdf117.28 KB
Available credit: 
  • 5.00 Attendance
    Attendance credit.
  • 5.00 CME
    CME credit.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Available Credit

  • 5.00 Attendance
    Attendance credit.
  • 5.00 CME
    CME credit.


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