CME Info
  • Stage APre-assessment
  • Stage BAction
  • Stage CPost-assessment

Asthma IQ: Patient Assessment

Asthma IQ Info and Completion Steps

A key element of the EPR-3 Guidelines is the importance of accurate assessment of each asthma patient to determine the level of severity and control of the disease so that effective treatment can be prescribed. In this Practice Improvement Module (PIM) you will:

  • compare your current practice to the recommendations in the guidelines
  • use simple quality improvement (QI) tools that are integral to practice improvement
  • learn about tools that can assist you with incorporating QI initiatives into your practice, which can impact patient care and outcomes
  • identify areas of practice strength and opportunities for improvement through the collection of patient and practice data
  • develop a QI plan
  • implement interventions
  • complete a post-assessment process to determine if improvement was achieved

While achieving 100% compliance with the clinical measures assessed in this module is ideal, it is not required to successfully complete the module. Your completion of the entire QI process is the main requirement. All users who complete the entire PIM – regardless of the degree of improvement achieved - will receive up to 20 AMA PRA Category 1 CME CreditsTM. Additionally, the American Board of Allergy and Immunology (ABAI) accepts this PIM to meet the practice improvement requirements of Part IV of their Maintenance of Certification program.

Please login or register to take this course.
  • Earn credits once Stage A is completed
  • Earn credits once Stage B is completed
  • Earn credits once Stage C is completed
  • Earn final credits once the program evaluation is submitted
PI WorkflowRequirementStart DateStatusCompletion Date
Stage A
Self Assessment
Chart Audit out of Completed
QIP Selection out of
Stage B
Action Phase
Stage C
Self Assessment
Chart Audit out of Completed
Program Evaluation
Program CompletionIn Progress