Maintenance of Certification Activities

AAAAI Offerings - MOC Part IV Quality Improvement


Oral Food Challenge Series
The oral food challenge (OFC) serves as an important tool for the practicing allergist caring for patients of all ages with concern for food allergy, and it is the gold standard to diagnose food allergy and evaluate for the development of tolerance. This module reviews the actions, environment and staff required to safely conduct an OFC in the office setting in accordance with Conducting an Oral Food Challenge: An Update to the 2009 Adverse Reactions to Foods Committee Work Group Report (2020).This series significantly modified the 2023 online course, "Conducting Physician-Supervised Oral Food Challenges."  Learners will benefit from updated written content, videos and case scenarios in this new series.


A New Horizon of Atopic Dermatitis Therapy
This course series, developed by an interdisciplinary team of allergist/immunologists, dermatologists, advanced practice providers, and patients, focuses on the latest treatment options available for patients with atopic dermatitis. Improve the quality of care provided to these patients by increasing your working knowledge of biologics and JAK inhibitors and the many quality of life considerations that impact patients and that can impact their outcomes. This activity satisfies the quality improvement requirements of the ABAI's MOC Part IV activity, and counts as a practice improvement and self-assessment activity for the ABD.

Choosing Wisely

Applying Choosing Wisely® Recommendations
This course is an online education series consisting of three courses that include virtual patients and complementary resources. The goal of the course series is to support A/I professionals in their application of specific Choosing Wisely® recommendations. The recommendations have been set forth by the AAAAI in conjunction with the ABIM Foundation.

PIDD logo

Providing Enhanced Medical Support for Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders
The course consists of four brief online modules that cover best practices for communicating with patients and links to patient and practitioner resources. It includes a pre-test, to measure your baseline knowledge; modules on recognizing the symptoms of PIDD and effective strategies for providing care to PIDD patients using telemedicine; and two patient case simulations, where you can practice your diagnostic and treatment skills. Return 30 days later to complete a post-course assessment to complete the quality improvement activity for MOC Part IV from the ABAI. 

AAAAI Internet Point-of-Care Learning 2025:

The ABAI will count completion of 5 point-of-care searches in a 12-month period to satisfy the quality improvement requirement of MOC Part IV.


Maintenance of Certification - ABAI

ABAI Maintenance or Certification Website

Part I - Professional Standing
Medical specialists must hold a valid, unrestricted medical license in at least one state or jurisdiction in the United States, its territories or Canada.


  • Submit a copy of all unrestricted medical licenses
  • Remit an annual MOC fee ($150)
  • Update demographic and contact information


Part II - Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment
Physicians participate in educational and self-assessment programs that meet specialty-specific standards that are set by their member board.


  • Submit proof of 25 CME credits annually
  • Complete 1 Patient Safety Module every ten years
  • Complete 1 Communication Practice Improvement Module every ten years
  • Complete 1 Recent Advances Module every five years


Part III - Cognitive Expertise
Physicians demonstrate, through standardized examination, that they have the fundamental, practice-related and practice environment-related knowledge to provide quality care in their specialty.


  • Participation in CAP


Part IV - Practice Performance Assessment
Medical specialists are evaluated in their clinical practice according to specialty-specific standards for patient care. They are asked to demonstrate that they can assess the quality of care they provide compared to peers and national benchmarks and then apply the best evidence or consensus recommendations to improve that care using follow-up assessments.


  • Complete 1 practice assessment/quality improvement module every 5 years