Please feel free to post questions and comment on questions in this group. 


Hi April,

We use dietary treatment with success for EG in our center.  Please see a report published by our GI who heads up our Center for Eosinophilic Disorders. Both empiric elimination and modified elemental diets were used in this cohort.

Ko HM, Morotti RA, Yershov O, Chehade M. Eosinophilic gastritis in children: clinicopathological correlation, disease course, and response to therapy. The American journal of gastroenterology. 2014;109(8):1277-85.

Marion Groetch


Marion Groetch replied on


Hi,just wondering how you increment the doses of solids when weaning in FPIES, and what time interval you use. I would say one dose per day, incrementing in 3 days tot a normal serving size?we are just beginning to see FPIES, thanks in advance, Berber Vlieg (Netherlands)

Berber Vlieg-Boerstra replied on

Hi Berber,

There are no specific guidelines on how to introduce foods in FPIES but we generally start with a very small dose: 1 tsp on day one and increase gradually on subsequent days if no reaction.  Of course it depends on the food we are introducing and the potential risks based on the epidemiology of FPIES and also on the patient's clinical presentation but increasing to a full dose by 3 days seems reasonable although we usually take a bit longer.  

New Interantional FPIES guidelines are in the works so we may have better guidance but it will still be based on expert opinion.  

Carina Venter and I have published a review article on dietary management of FPIES if that helps.

Venter C, Groetch M. Nutritional management of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome. Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology. 2014;14(3):255-62.


Marion Groetch (US)


Marion Groetch replied on

The deadline for 2015 Allied Health Scholarship Travel Awards has been extended to November 18, 2014.

If you are an AAAAI allied health member who’s interested in attending the 2015 Annual Meeting, you are eligible for these exclusive scholarship travel awards. Awards are worth up to $750 and cover travel costs, plus registration, for the 2015 Annual Meeting.

Allied health professionals who provide care to those with asthma, allergy and immunologic disease include RNs, LPNs, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, respiratory therapists, medical technologists and medical assistants. Each are encouraged to apply.

In addition to networking with colleagues at the Annual Meeting, allied health members can discuss and expand on the latest advances in medications, equipment and procedures necessary to promote health for their asthma and allergy/immunology patients by attending sessions designed specifically for health care professionals. Each of the awardees will be further recognized at the 2015 AAAAI Annual Meeting during the AAAAI Allied Health Forum (Saturday, February 21, 2015).

Applying is easy and you can access the online application here.

Awardees will be notified if they have been selected to receive an award. For more information, contact John Augustyniak at (414) 272-6071 or [email protected].

John Augustyniak replied on

Has anyone seen an allergic reaction to pink peppercorn?

We are currently aware of two reported allergic reactions to pink peppercorns. It appears that allergy to pink peppercorn (also known as Brazilian Pepper, Rose Pepper, Christmas berry and others) may be a risk for people with cashew allergy based on cashew and the pink peppercorn berry being botanically related foods. This dried berry may be used as a spice but is different from standard black pepper or the fruits that include the term “pepper,” (e.g., bell peppers, red peppers or “chili” peppers).

Although it remains unclear whether pink peppercorn allergy stands alone or is related to cashew allergy, we are suggesting those with cashew allergy avoid pink peppercorn. Is anyone else doing this?

Marion Groetch

Marion Groetch replied on


We have not seen this already in our clinic so far.  I am going to share this information with our staff and we will likely recommend avoidance of pink peppercorn for our patients allergic to cashew. Thanks for sharing. 

April Clark 

April Clark replied on

We are looking forward to a great Allied Health Program at the 2015 Annual Meeting.  Some interesting articles have been posted on this site.  Take a look and make plans to attend some sessions at the meeting!

Sally Noone replied on

I read a review of this year meeting at and must say a program has been very exciting and informative. I am looking forward to the 2016 Annual Meeting as unfortunately I missed it this year. My colegue shared her experience and materials on the innovations and it was so useful for me.

Ariana Carpenter replied on


Coloente Coloente replied on
