2022 JACI Global Manuscript Review #1


This course is for recording your FIRST JACI manuscript review for 2022. To claim credit, you will need the manuscript number you reviewed. Please contact the JACI Global Journal (jaciglobal@aaaai.org) to obtain your information.

Physicians must complete the manuscript review assigned, receive credit claiming instructions and complete the evaluation to claim credit.

Reviewers can earn 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for each completed review. Each reviewer can claim credit for up to 5 reviews per journal each calendar year.

Credit must be claimed by June 30, 2023. Any credit request on or after July 1, 2023 will be subject to an administrative fee.

Available credit: 
  • 3.00 CME
    CME credit.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


Available Credit

  • 3.00 CME
    CME credit.

Register/Take course


Please login or register to take this course.

By registering for this educational activity you are confirming that you have read the Privacy and Data Protection Notice and agree to the terms as outlined below:

Privacy and Data Protection Notice

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) takes your privacy seriously. AAAAI will only use your personal information to administer your registration, attendance, and credit claiming/attendance record for this activity, to provide services that you have requested from AAAAI and otherwise as you may expressly consent. A complete copy of AAAAI’s Legal and Privacy Notices, the terms of which are incorporated herein, can be found here.

By providing consent, you are allowing AAAAI to process your personal data. AAAAI will collect and store information you provide in the Registration/Housing Forms for the purposes of enabling us to register your attendance at the activity; to assist with administrative, planning and marketing purposes; and to allow the compilation and analysis of statistics relevant to AAAAI.

The information you provide in the Registration/Housing Forms, and information provided at any other time during this activity, including without limitation any feedback obtained during the activity, will be used by AAAAI to offer, provide and continue to improve its educational activities and other services. The AAAAI will also use your email address to communicate important information regarding this activity and for marketing purposes for future activities. AAAAI will not otherwise, without your consent, use or disclose your personal information for any purpose unless it would reasonably be expected that such a purpose is related to the offer, provision and improvement of the activity or where such purpose is permitted or required by law.

For courses/events with industry support and/or exhibitors, The AAAAI may disclose some information that is collected in the Registration Form such as your name, credentials, title/position, organization, and mailing address to exhibitors and industry supporters for marketing purposes such as to receive mailed literature. In addition to, but separate from, your consent regarding being contacted by exhibitors and industry supporters with mailed literature, when you visit sponsored areas within the virtual platform for an online event (such as, but not limited to, an exhibitor’s virtual exhibit booth), that organization will receive your personal contact information (name, credentials, title/position, organization, mailing address, phone number, email address and NPI number, if applicable). If you do not want to share your personal contact information with any/all of those organizations, please do not visit those areas within our virtual platform. By accessing any/all of those areas in our virtual platform, you are consenting to share your personal contact information with all organizations whose sponsored areas you visit in our virtual platform. If you attend this activity in person, and provide your contact information to an exhibitor or industry supporter (including allowing them to scan your name badge), you are consenting to share your personal contact information with that organization. You have the right to decline an exhibitor and/or industry supporter’s request for your personal contact information. AAAAI does not control the use or distribution of personal contact information transferred when you visit a sponsored area in the virtual platform or, if in person, when you share your personal contact information, and as such, AAAAI shall not be held responsible for any misuse of your personal data obtained by exhibitors or industry supporters in this manner. You have the right to ask the exhibitor or industry supporter questions about how they will use your personal data, how long it will be retained and if they will share information with third parties.

After you have submitted your personal contact information in the registration form, you may change your preferences for receiving emails by following the instructions below:
·    To change your preferences for receiving emails from AAAAI regarding future annual meetings and/or other in-person and online education programs, please visit http://aaaai.execinc.com/edibo/Profile
·    For events where industry support or exhibitions are involved please email cme@aaaai.org to change your consent to be contacted by the industry supporters and exhibitors of that activity.

NOTE: AAAAI  may be photographing this activity. These photographs, along with your name, may be used in AAAAI publications or on the AAAAI website. If you do not want your photo used, please inform the staff photographer at the time the photograph is taken. AAAAI may also be audio recording education sessions during this activity. If you verbally submit any questions for Question & Answer sessions (Q&A), you are agreeing to be recorded and to have that recording available in enduring materials. If you prefer not to be audio recorded, please submit any questions you have in writing.

I understand that it is my right to withhold consent to the above Privacy and Data Protection Notice, or to withdraw my previous consent at any time. I further understand that without my consent, it is not possible to process my registration/housing request for this activity. Please contact the AAAAI Education Team at (414) 272-6071 if you have any further questions about how this will affect your registration/housing request for this activity.