Teach Asthma Management (TAM) Basics and Plus
This is a live course that will take place on Tuesday, November 3, 2015.
Teach Asthma Management (TAM) Basics is an introduction to providing care to patients and families with asthma offered by Fight Asthma Milwaukee (FAM) Allies. Fight Asthma Milwaukee (FAM) Allies seeks to improve the lives of people affected by asthma through community partnerships, resources, services and education. Sessions offered during TAM Basics include: Asthma 101, Asthma Medications, Environmental Triggers and Green Cleaning, Asthma Care Plans and Peak Flow Meters, Health Literacy and Devices for Asthma Management.
Teach Asthma Management (TAM) Plus is offered by Fight Asthma Milwaukee (FAM) Allies. Fight Asthma Milwaukee (FAM) Allies seeks to improve the lives of people affected by asthma through community partnerships, resources, services and education. TAM Plus intended to provide additional education and topics to that covered in TAM Basics. We encourage participants to attend TAM Basics before enrolling in TAM Plus. Sessions offered during TAM Plus include: NAEPP Asthma Guidelines and case studies, Spirometry with hands-on session, cultural competency and asthma myths and community resources.
TAM Plus: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teach-asthma-management-plus-tickets-16366674163
Nurses can earn up to 3.75 contact hours.
Credit must be claimed by June 30, 2016. Credit requests made on or after July 1, 2016 will be subject to an administrative fee.
System Requirements: Two most recent versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox
Target Audience
Nurse Practitioners
Physician Assistants
Other Allied Health Professionals
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to
- describe asthma as an inflammatory disease.
- accurately describe the difference between rescue and controller medications.
- demonstrate how to follow an asthma management plan.
Santiago Encalada, MD
Diane Keyes, RN DNP APNP
Erin Lee, MS
Christine O'Hare, CHES
Laurie Smrz, RN
Sheryl Stanclik, RT
Gary Steven, MD FAAAAI
Available Credit
- 3.75 AttendanceAttendance credit.
- 3.75 CECE credit.