AAAAI Internet Point-of-Care Learning 2021
How often are you faced with a patient care question that requires research? How often do you turn to the JACI or JACI: In Practice to find the answers to these questions? Would you like to earn credit for the searches you’re completing?
With the AAAAI’s Internet Point-of-Care Learning you can earn 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 CME CreditTM each time you seek the answer to a clinical care question in one of the AAAAI’s journals. In addition, you can fulfill your MOC Part IV requirement! See below for details.
To receive MOC Part IV credit, the following must be completed beginning 01/01/2021 or later*:
- A minimum of 5 challenges or questions (identify, research and document) must be completed within a rolling calendar year (example: 01/01/2021 through 01/01/2022).
- All searches must be completed within your current 5 year MOC cycle to be considered. AAAAI will report completions to ABAI on an annual basis. CME credit earned will be reported to ABAI on a quarterly basis.
*Searches completed prior to 01/01/2021 cannot be counted toward the 2021 calendar year 5 search minimum
To Start:
- Click the “Register” tab above
- Select “Search 1”
- AAAAI Fellows and Members have free access to this member benefit
- Non-members will be charged a $10 fee per use
- Follow the onscreen instructions to document your search and the results you achieved – and you’re done!
Return here to complete an unlimited number of Search forms to earn more credits for subsequent research efforts.
For quick access to the homepages of the journals, please click on the links, below:
ABAI has also approved MOC-only searches (no CME credit) in journals other than JACI or JACI: In Practice. Please click here to access the online form. Please note that you may complete both CME and non-CME searches to satisfy this requirement.
All MOC Part IV completions will be reported to ABAI after January 1, 2022. Any CME credit earned on JACI or JACI: In Practice searches will be reported quarterly.
Target Audience
- Board Certified Allergist/Immunologists