Penicillin Allergy Documents/Resources
Promoting Penicillin Allergy Awareness
Join us in promoting
National Penicillin Allergy Day
on September 28!
Post Social Media Graphics
Penicillin Allergy Day Post for Patient Audience: Facebook/Instagram
Penicillin Allergy Day Post for Provider Audience: Facebook/Instagram
Penicillin Allergy Day: Twitter | Facebook/Instagram
Identify Penicillin Allergy: Twitter | Facebook/Instagram
Patient Experience: Twitter | Facebook/Instagram
Adverse Events Related to Penicillin Allergy Labeling: Twitter | Facebook/Instagram
Worsening Antimicrobial Resistance: Twitter | Facebook/Instagram
Costs Associated with Penicillin Allergy: Twitter | Facebook/Instagram
Medical Costs: Twitter | Facebook/Instagram
Post Social Media Reel
Post a reel on Instagram for Penicillin Allergy Day!
Download this video to your phone and open your Instagram account.
(Please note: the video will not have sound until you choose an audio on your Instagram app)
- Press the "plus" symbol on the bottom center of your screen and select "Reel" from the options provided.
- Open the correct video when prompted.
- Choose your audio by clicking the music note symbol.
Please make sure to tag the AAAAI's Instagram @aaaai_org. You're ready to post!
Video download instructions: Click play on the video > Select the settings icon > Click quality > Choose a video file size and download the file.
Penicillin Allergy Day Reel for Patient Audience:
Ready to Print or Post
Brochure: Penicillin Allergy: What Do You Need to Know?
Poster: Are You Really Allergic to Penicillin?
Infographic: Are You Allergic to Penicillin?
Links to Share
Healio: Q&A: National Penicillin Allergy Day Spotlights Need to Re-evaluate Patients
Drug Allergy Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Video: What is a drug allergy?
Penicillin Allergy - What Do You Need to Know?
Continue Advocating with Us
Penicillin Allergy Verification and Evaluation (PAVE) Act, H.R. 9778
Congressman Larry Bucshon, MD (R-IN) has introduced the PAVE Act, which adds penicillin allergy delabeling to the Medicare preventive intake exam and annual visit. With elderly patients especially vulnerable to infections and adverse events from some alternative antibiotics, this bill will make a significant improvement in patient outcomes, while also reducing Medicare expenditures and helping fight antimicrobial resistance. Read our initial stakeholder letter supporting the bill.
Congressional Outreach
In support of National Penicillin Allergy Day, the AAAAI sent this communication to every office on Capitol Hill.
The AAAAI wrote to Congress about National Penicillin Allergy Day on September 28th
AAAAI Position Statement
Penicillin Allergy Testing Should Be Performed Routinely in Patients with Self-Reported Penicillin Allergy
Letter to the Editor Template
The Adverse Reactions to Drugs, Biologics & Latex has provided this template Letter to the Editor for you to use in your community. Use this as a starting point and add information pertinent to your local community, and send it to newspapers and also community email news outlets.
Before emailing your local online media outlets, download resources from the AAAAI Penicillin Allergy Center to your practice’s website. Provide a link to your practice website when you email your Letter to the Editor.
Email us links or pictures of your letter to editor in your local paper at [email protected].
Penicillin Video Resources for Patients
Penicillin Video Resources for Providers
How to Identify Patients at Low Risk of Having a True Penicillin Allergy
How to Conduct an Inpatient Oral Amoxicillin Challenge
Implementing Amoxicillin Challenges in Your Pediatric Office
How To Conduct An Oral Amoxicillin Challenge In Your Office
Why Most Kids Can Safely Undergo Amoxicillin Challenges
Implementing Amoxicillin Challenges in the Adult Inpatient Setting
Worth a Read
Drug Allergy: A 2022 Practice Parameter Update
Khan, DA, et. al. The latest evidence-based recommendations on diagnosing and treating penicillin and other drug allergies.
The Evolution of Our Understanding of Penicillin Allergy: 1942 to 2022
Macy, E, Adkinson, NF JACI: In Practice. September 15, 2022. This article reviews our evolving understanding of penicillin hypersensitivity at the 80th anniversary of penicillin’s clinical introduction. AAAAI-Compiled Penicillin Allergy References September 2022.pdf
This bibliography includes the latest evidence on the mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment of penicillin allergy.
Worth a Listen
Episode 98: Everyone with Penicillin Allergy Warrants Evaluation
Drug allergy expert Allison Ramsey, MD, FAAAAI, discusses the importance of proactively delabeling patients with reported penicillin allergy. This is a must listen for all healthcare professionals…and relevant to at least 10% of the general population.
Episode 56: Penicillin Allergy: Often Suspected, Rarely Confirmed
Drug allergy expert David A. Khan, MD, FAAAAI, discusses how our understanding and evaluation of penicillin allergy has rapidly evolved in recent years.
Episode 5: Penicillin Allergy Through Oral Challenges
Elina Jerschow, MD, FAAAAI, joins the podcast to discuss her latest research study, which demonstrated that 97% of patients with a history of reported mild reactions to penicillin could safely receive penicillin again.
Episode 4: Penicillin Allergies: Over-diagnosed and Under-addressed
Listen to expert Kimberly G. Blumenthal, MD, MSc, FAAAAI, discuss the complicated reasons why penicillin allergies are over-reported and the many ways in which this can be addressed.
Core IM Podcast Episode: 5 Pearls on Penicillin Allergy
Dr. Ann Marie Kumfer, Dr. Kim Blumenthal, Dr. Neda Frayha, Dr. Shreya P. Trivedi and Dr. Dan Taupin. June 2, 2021
Practice Resources
Coding for Penicillin Testing AAAAI-Compiled Penicillin Allergy References September 2022.pdf
This bibliography includes the latest evidence on the mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment of penicillin allergy.