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Welcome to the AAAAI Virtual Poster Hall

Welcome to the AAAAI Virtual Poster Hall! Below, you will find the oral abstracts, posters, and case reports originally programmed for the 2020 AAAAI Annual Meeting. These submissions are arranged in numerical order by the numbers assigned to them by the AAAAI Annual Meeting Program Committee. The only exception to this is the Featured Posters, which are broken out into a separate section. Please refer to the online program for more information and for access to the abstracts:

Annual Meeting Online Program

JACI Program of Abstracts

Included in each oral abstract or poster 'session' is a link to a discussion board where visitors can post questions or comments for the authors. Please follow all instructions for posting on the discussion boards so the authors can more easily locate and respond to your posts.

Please note: Access to this content is restricted to registered users. Please refer to our Help Center for step-by-step instructions for logging and/or creating an account.

  • If you do not have an account with the AAAAI, you may create a free account by clicking 'Log in' at the top right corner of the page.
  • If you are unsure if you have an account or can't remember your login information, please contact the AAAAI Education Team at [email protected]. If you are unsure you have an account, please do not create an account until a member of our staff has verified that you do not have one to avoid creation of a duplicate account in our system.

For more 2020 Annual Meeting content, please click the following links:

Keynote and Plenaries

Virtual Annual Meeting

Featured Posters

Click the title of the poster session you'd like to view. The session will open in a new window for your convenience. You will be provided with a link to a discussion board within each session for an opportunity to ask questions or make comments.

560-564 Novel Approaches to Beta-Lactam Allergy
565-569New Insights in Asthma Genomics and Cell Signaling
570-574Top Topics in Basic and Clinical Immunology
575-579Highlights of Environmental Microbes, Chemicals and Foods in Disease
580-584Highlights of Peanut Allergy
585-589Healthcare Disparities
590-594Headlines in Immunotherapy, Rhinitis, Sinusitis and Ocular Disease
595-599Mechanistic Highlights in Asthma, Allergy and Immunology
600-604Highlights in Clinical Practice


Poster Sessions

Click the title of the poster session you'd like to view. The session will open in a new window for your convenience. You will be provided with a link to a discussion board within each session for an opportunity to ask questions or make comments.

Poster Number
001-005Cutting Edge Poster Discussion
031-048Asthma Pathogenesis and Inflammation        
048-085Asthma Therapy          
086-093Basic Immunology 1         
094-105Clinical Immunology          
106-114Outdoor Aerobiology          
115-120Indoor Allergens          
121-126Diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis        
128-140Pathogensis and Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis      
141-145Pathogenesis of Food Allergy        
146-153Primary Prevention of Food Allergy       
154-162Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome        
163-177Quality Improvement          
178-182Health Information/Technology          
194-200Microbiome and Allergic Disease        
201-209Eosinophils/Hypereosinophilic Syndromes          
210-230Cutting Edge in Allergy and Asthma      
276-280Cutting-Edge Basic Science Discussion Posters       
281-313Drug Allergy          
314-336Hereditary Angioedema          
337-364Asthma Epidemiology, Intervention, and Public Health      
365-381Asthma Diagnosis, Genotyping and Phenotyping       
382-388Basic Immunology 2         
389-400Spectrum of Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders       
401-409Immune Response to Environmental Exposures       
410-417Environmental Allergens and Respiratory Health       
418-419Occupational Exposures          
420-447Treatment of Food Allergy: Oral Immunotherapy      
448-453Treatment of Food Allergy: Epicutaneous Immunotherapy, Sublingual Immunotherapy, and Other Novel Approaches
454-460Epidemiology of Food Allergy        
466-472Quality of Life         
473-487Rhinosinusitis/Allergy Diagnostics and Standardization        
488-505Mechanisms of Allergic Inflammation        
506-514T and B Cells in Allergic Disease     
605-637Atopic Dermatitis          
652-670Asthma Epidemiology and Outcomes        
671-673Chronic Cough          
674-684Asthma Management with Technologies        
685-690Immunology in Infancy         
691-701Humoral Immunity          
702-726Diagnosis of Food Allergy        
727-740Management of Food Allergy        
741-747Pollen Food Syndrome         
769-775Mast Cell Disorders and Update on Innate Immune Mechanisms   
L11-L42Late Breaking Posters         

Case Reports

Please click the section of case reports you would like to review. Each section will open in a new window for your convenience.

Case Reports
Interesting Cases 1
Interesting Cases 2
Case Report Posters 1
Case Report Posters 2